My Journey of Building a Z Fam Community on TikTok (and elsewhere)

As a musician, I've always wanted to share my passion for music with a wider audience. And in today's digital age, what better platform to do that than on social media? I've found TikTok, in particular, to be an excellent tool for reaching out to people and creating an online community around my music.

I studied music for a few years in the cold Cardiff where I spent my days busking in the streets and playing pubs but was never actually experiencing much support. Honestly, Instagram was pretty much dead and did not have much time for Youtube as I had to work various jobs to pay rent.

I started by posting short snippets of my songs on Tiktok. My initial thought was ‘Who would even listen to this? Just another guy with the guitar’. The response was slow at first, as is the case with any new venture. I knew that building a community would take time and perseverance.

I continued to post regularly, engaging with my followers through comments and messages. The main turning point was when I discovered live-streaming and building a real connection with people who could listen to me making mistakes and saying my dad jokes when I am live.

This was my first taste of success, and it was truly exhilarating. But more than the numbers, it was the sense of community that I really cherished. I had people from all over the world connecting with me because of my music. This lit a fire again somewhere in me and I could see my dream again. The dream I had as a little kid praying to god to give me a gift of being able to sing.

I'm still in the early stages of my journey, but I feel like I've already learned so much. Building an online community is more than just about gaining followers. It's about creating a space where people can come together, connect, and share their love for music and positive attitude to life.

I’ve decided to create a discord channel where all people can come and have a good time - Z Fam. Everybody is invited —→

And while TikTok has been a great platform for me, I know that there are many other avenues out there waiting to be explored. I'm excited to continue my journey and see where my music takes me next.

You can follow my journey also here —→

aaaand here —→

aaaaaaaand here --->

By buying the products on this store you’re supporting directly this community and music🙂

Much love,

Zdeno M.

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